Woo hoo! We have landed! Mick and I are proud renters of 9 Kowhai Drive, Wanaka New Zealand 9305. It feels so good to cook in a kitchen, wash dishes in a sink, do the laundry in a washing machine and take a shower in your own bathroom! Not to mention sleeping in a proper bed again! These are the things that you truly appreciate after 5 months on the road! I'm sure some of you can sympathize!
The house is exactly what we were looking for in the cutest little ski town I have ever been to. Tahoe was my first love, and I think Wanaka will be my second!The job search is still on. I'm interviewing for a position at Treble Cone Ski Field on Monday and Mick is doing some labouring work building a school within walking distance from our home. So all is good in Hobbitland. Oh yeah, I took it upon myself to start reading "The Lord of the Rings." I figure, what better place to read it than in New Zealand where the movie is filmed, right?
So we are happy frappy living a life of real adults again. We will be here until the end of October, so if anyone is in need of a snow-fix this winter, we've got 3 spare beds ready and waiting for you!