The view from half way up Treble Cone
The road to Treble Cone...I'll be driving this 6 days a week!!
Yes, that's right. Winter is near! The snow has begun here in New Zealand and I couldn't be happier about it! Let's back up though, I think I need to set the scene!
Mick and I are getting nice and settled into the hobbit house. Did I mention that I'm in the midst of reading "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy? What an amazing feeling it is to read those books whilst living here in New Zealand! Where we are living actually corresponds with where I am in the book right now, which is too cool!
We have secured room mates that are moving in on the 11th! They are a really nice couple from the UK and Canada and we think they'll work out great. For the meantime though, we are enjoying the house to ourselves while they travel around the South Island! We swung a deal with them to pay 1/2 the rent for the month and it's worked out great for us to have the place to ourselves for a bit! Much needed!
I have secured two jobs for the winter! I'll be working up at Treble Cone Ski Field 4 days a week which will get me a season pass and will get Mick a partner pass as well. I will also be working 4 nights a week at a restaurant called The Lone Star Cafe which is an American style restaurant that is a franchise here in New Zealand. They've been great to work for so far and it seems like they will be willing to accommodate my other work schedule. I'll be a busy, but hopefully happy girl! I just need to make sure I have enough time to snowboard!
Well, that'll do it for now! We'll be having a look around this weekend so I'll try and get some new photos for you!