Well, it's been almost a week since I left the northern hemmisphere, and boy has it been fun so far! From Sydney, Mick picked me up and we headed inland to the Blue Mountains where we caught up with a friend that we met in Java, Indonesia. After that, we made a bee-line for the coast and have found some beautiful camp spots along the way.
Australia's South Coast (the area south of Sydney) has some of the most beautiful coastline in Australia. There are hundreds of miles of coastline that is virtually untouched, which means the fishing is amazing! Rock fishing in natural untouched habitats is some of the most exciting fishing around. We've only caught 2 feeds of fish so far including a beautiful purpley blue Leatherjacket and 4 or 5 small Whiting. Not so bad to start.
The Van is going great so far, we are thinking that we'll name him Frank after Sinatra (old blue eyes!) since he is a beautiful color blue. What a treat it is to travel in luxury with a sink, fridge, stove and bed! You can't imagine what a difference it makes to travel comfortably and be able to pull up and camp anywhere you want! Life is good so far! Next we're off to Victoria, the next state south and home to Melbourne. We'll follow the coast and continue fishing and surfing all the way to South Oz. Things get a bit more remote the further south we go, so I may not always be able to update, but will do as often as possible.
A new addition to my blog is the beautiful Wolly Wanda. I'm starting a new page soon called Where's Wooly Wanda. For now, just enjoy the pics! Thanks Rick and Pat for the gift!